Laticrete NXT Level Self Leveling Underlayment - 50 lb bag - Grey

Laticrete NXT Level is a grey cement based underlayment for leveling interior substrates and can be poured or pumped into place. (50 lb bag)

Brand: Laticrete

Availability: Sold In Store - Ships From Store (52 available in store). (More Info)

Shipping: Standard (More Info)


Laticrete NXT Level is a cement-based underlayment for use in leveling interior substrates. NXT Level produces a flat, smooth and hard surface for the installation of finished flooring. NXT Level can be placed from 1/8 - 3" (3 - 76 mm) in a single lift. NXT Level is a LATICRETE approved substitute for 84 LATILEVEL.

Laticrete NXT Level Underlayment Features:

  • Pourable and pumpable
  • Inorganic; will not contribute to mold/mildew growth
  • Suitable surface for most finished floor goods
  • Can be applied directly over concrete testing at RH of 95% or less per ASTM F2170


Substrate temperature must be between 40 – 90°F (4 – 32°C) during application and air temperature maintained between 50 – 90°F (10 – 32°C). Protect areas from direct sunlight. Do not use damp curing methods or curing and sealing compounds. If required to meet level tolerances, survey surface using a digital or electronic leveling device and apply level pegs as required.

Adequate ventilation should be provided to ensure uniform drying. Pump or pour blended material onto substrate at an average thickness ranging between 1/8" to 3" (3mm to 76mm). Material can be tapered to zero at edges.

Approximate Coverage:

Nominal Thickness Approximate Coverage
1/8" (3 mm) 44.0 ft2 (4.1 m2)
3/16" (5 mm) 29.3 ft2 (2.7 m2)
1/4" (6 mm) 22.0 ft2 (2.0 m2)
5/16" (8 mm) 17.6 ft2 (1.6 m2)
3/8' (10 mm) 14.7 ft2 (1.4 m2)
7/16" (11 mm) 12.6 ft2 (1.2 m2)
1/2" (12 mm) 11.0 ft2 (1.0 m2)
9/16" (14 mm) 9.8 ft2 (0.9 m2)
5/8" (16 mm) 8.8 ft2 (0.8 m2)
11/16" (17mm) 8.0 ft2 (0.7 m2)
3/4" (19 mm) 7.3 ft2 (0.6 m2)
13/16" (21mm) 6.8 ft2 (0.6 m2)
7/8" (22 mm) 6.3 ft2 (0.6 m2)
15/16" (24 mm) 5.9 ft2 (0.5 m2)
1" (25 mm) 5.5 ft2 (0.5 m2)
2" (51 mm) 2.7 ft2 (0.3 m2)
3" (76mm) 1.9 ft2 (0.2 m2)


  • Shelf Life: Factory sealed containers of this product are guaranteed to be of first quality for one (1) year if stored off the ground in a dry area.
  • Packaging: 50 lb (22.7 kg) bag.
    More Information
    Weight (lbs.)50.0
    Manufacturer Part Number0900-0050-21
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