IMER Step-Up Step-Up 120A 3 Phase is a tow-able multi-purpose pump and spray machine. The portable pump and sprayer can be configured to your application using the many different accessories available. Best described as a pure high flow material pump for self-leveling materials and non-shrink grouts. It’s designed to give 9.5 cubic yard per hour performance efficiently and quietly in restricted job site environments. Its sole mission is to pump large quantities of material through its high flow rotor/stator pumping system. Pump or spray mortars, stuccos, grouts, restoration mortars, underlayments, fireproofing, waterproofing and many other materials.
**This Towable Mixer requires a forklift for removal from the shipping truck. It is too large for a lift-gate.**
The Imer Step-Up 120 A Features:
Is a tow-able multi-purpose pump and spray machine
Many different accessories available such as, compressor, gun kits, and more
Can pump and spray mortars, stuccos, grouts, restoration mortars, underlayments, fireproofing, water-proofings
Rotor/ stator pump provides a smooth and continuous flow of material