Ardex X 90 OUTDOOR MicroteC3 Rapid-Set, Flexible Tile and Stone Mortar is a revolutionary innovation in mortar technology that is formulated with specialty, high-performance Ardex cements, polymers and microfibers. And is designed to deliver maximum protection against the harshest weather conditions while providing the highest levels of efflorescence resistance for exterior tile and stone applications. Ardex X 90 OUTDOOR can be installed over substrates with temperatures as low as 40˚F (5˚C) and can withstand driving rains or be grouted in only 2 hours.
Ardex X90 OUTDOOR Features:
Highest levels of freeze thaw resistance - Tested at 150+ freeze thaw cycles
(7 times greater than the ANSI 118.15 standard requirement of 20 cycles)
Maximum efflorescence resistance
Outstanding rapid-setting properties, even at temperatures as low as 40˚F / 5˚C
Heavy and driving rain-resistant after only 2 hours
Ideal for tiling on concrete balconies, patios, swimming pools and high-load commercial areas
Traffic and grout after just 2 hours
Thin to medium bed installations up to 5/8" (15 mm)
Extended open time up to 30 minutes
Excellent bond strength for setting porcelain, glass, ceramic and most natural stone tiles